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The Spatial Dimension of “Pop-Up Cycle Paths” in Metropolitan Areas a Comparative Study of France and Colombia

Subjects: Covid-19 pandemic; pop-up cycle paths; cycling network

  • Source: Cycling Through the Pandemic. Tactical Urbanism and the Implementation of Pop-Up Bike Lanes in the Time of COVID-19 ; ; Nathalie Ortar; Patrick Rérat. Cycling Through

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Academic Journal

Renewables energies in Colombia and the opportunity for the offshore wind technology

Subjects: wind energy; offshore; renewable energy

  • Source: ISSN: 0959-6526 ; Journal of Cleaner Production ; ; Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, 220, pp.529-543. ⟨10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.02.174⟩.

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Academic Journal

Risk perception and trust management in inhabitants exposed to coastal flooding: The case of Cartagena, Colombia

Subjects: [SHS]Humanities and Social Sciences

  • Source: ISSN: 2212-4209 ; International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction ; ; International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 2021, 60, pp.102261.

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Academic Journal

¿Sembrar el petróleo para producir la ciudad ? ; ¿Sembrar el petróleo para producir la ciudad ?: Unas enseñanzas del caso de las ciudades petroleras de Casanare, Colombia

Subjects: Colombia; Gobiernos locales; Urbanización

  • Source: EISSN: 1138-9788 ; Scripta Nova. Revista Electronica de Geographia y Ciencias Sociales ; ; Scripta Nova. Revista Electronica de Geographia y Ciencias Sociales,

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The vulnerability and resilience in risk scenarii: a community case study; indigenous Nasa in Huila Colombia

Subjects: Territorial Intelligence; Socio-Ecological Transition and Resilience; risk scenariiBesançon-Dijon; France

  • Source: International Conference of Territorial Intelligence "Territorial Intelligence, Socio-Ecological Transition and Resilience of the Territories". 30-31 May 2013 ;

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The recuperation of public space : a closer look at Bogotá, Colombia

Subjects: Bogota; Ambiances; public spaces

  • Source: Pressures and Distortions, city dwellers as builders and critics: four views ; ; Kaufman, Ned. Pressures and Distortions, city dwellers as builders and critics: four

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Características de la movilidad diaria en el Área Metropolitana de Bogotá, con base en la Encuesta de Movilidad de Bogotá 2019 – Un panorama en mapas

Subjects: Daily mobility; Colombia; Bogotá

  • Source: ; [reportType_6] UMR ESO, Espaces et Sociétés; Institut Français d'Etudes Andines; Universidad Piloto de Colombia. 2020.

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