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  • 1-50 of  7,198 results for ""math history""

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Mathématiques et langues, propositions pédagogiques

Subjects: Didactique des mathématiques; Didactique des langues; Sciences du langage

  • Source: ; IREMS de Paris, 102, 2024, 978-2-86612-410-6 ;

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Minor Mathematics and Great Expectations ; Petites mathématiques et grandes espérances

Subjects: theory of order; Poinsot; VallèsFrench mathematics in the 19th century

  • Source: Arranger, disposer, combiner : Théories de l'ordre dans les sciences, les arts d'ornement et la philosophie (1770-1910) ; ; Jenny Boucard; Christophe Eckes. Arranger,

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Academic Journal

André Rouchier : d’un siècle à l’autre, le projet demeure

Subjects: didactique des mathématiques; revue; didactique de l’informatique

  • Source: ISSN: 0246-9367 ; Recherches en Didactique des Mathematiques ; ; Recherches en Didactique des Mathematiques, 2024, Synthesis and perspectives in didactics of

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Academic Journal

Notes for a study of the didactic transposition of mathematical proof

Subjects: History of mathematics education; Mathematics education; Didactical transposition

  • Source: Philosophy of Mathematics Education Journal ; ; Philosophy of Mathematics Education Journal, 2024, 41 ;

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Croisements d'outils pour analyser les apprentissages des élèves sur le preuve

Subjects: proof; proving; syntactic and semantic aspects

  • Source: Nouvelles perspectives en didactique des mathématiques - Preuve, Modélisation et Technologies Numériques ; ; Nouvelles perspectives en didactique des mathématiques

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Comment l'analyse a priori nous aide à aider les formateurs à aider les enseignants à aider les élèves

Subjects: Formation de formateurs; école primaire; Mathématiques -- EnseignementFranceMarseille (France), France

  • Source: 49e colloque de la COPIRELEM colloque de la COPIRELEM, Jun 2023, Marseille (France), France

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Les tribulations d’un chercheur en éducation au prisme de ses archives

Subjects: biographie; cognition; épistémologieNanterre (92); France

  • Source: Inter-congrès AREF "Engagement dans la recherche, recherches engagées, recherches sur l'engagement : que nous disent les sciences de l'éducation et de la formation ?" ;

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Platonism, De Re, and (Philosophy of) Mathematical Practice

Subjects: [MATH.MATH-HO]Mathematics [math]/History and Overview [math.HO]

  • Source: Handbook of the History and Philosophy of Mathematical Practice ; ; B. Sriraman. Handbook of the History

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Insegnare il calcolo mentale in contesti multiculturali: aspetti cognitivi, socioculturali e didattici

Subjects: Calcul mental; mathématique; didactique des mathématiques

  • Source: Ricerche in neuroscienze educative 2023. Il futuro prossimo dell’educazione nell’universo digitale ; ; Francesco Peluso Cassese. Ricerche in neuroscienze educative

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Conclusions. Some lines of possible further research in ethnomathematics

Subjects: Ethnomathematics; History & Philosophy of Science; Culture and education

  • Source: Indigenous Knowledge and Ethnomathematics ; ; Eric Vandendriessche; Rik Pinxten. Indigenous Knowledge and Ethnomathematics, Springer, pp.277-285, 2023,

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Indigenous Knowledge and Ethnomathematics. Introduction

Subjects: Ethnomathematics; History & Philosophy of Science; Culture and education

  • Source: Indigenous Knowledge and Ethnomathematics ; ; Eric Vandendriessche; Rik Pinxten. Indigenous Knowledge and Ethnomathematics, Springer Nature Switzerland, pp.v-xiv,

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Meeting the biocalculus challenges: a reflection on didactic transposition processes in a cross-disciplinary context

Subjects: University mathematics education; Didactic transposition; biocalculusBergen (NO); Norway

  • Source: The Learning and Teaching of Calculus Across Disciplines – Proceedings of the Second Calculus Conference ; The Learning and Teaching of Calculus Across Disciplines ;

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Fostering Inquiry and Creativity in Abstract Algebra: The Theory of Banquets and Its Reflexive Stance on the Structuralist Methodology

Subjects: abstract algebra teaching and learning; didactics of mathematical structuralism; theory of banquets

  • Source: Practice-Oriented Research in Tertiary Mathematics Education ; ; R. Biehler; M. Liebendörfer; G. Gueudet; C. Rasmussen; C. Winsløw. Practice-Oriented Research in

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Networking Phenomenology and Didactics: horizons of didactical milieus with a focus on Abstract Algebra

Subjects: Theory of Didactical Situations; Phenomenology; Husserlian horizons

  • Source: Ongoing Advancements in Philosophy of Mathematics Education ; ; M. Bicudo; B. Czarnocha; M. Rosa & M. Marciniak. Ongoing Advancements in Philosophy of Mathematics

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Penser avec les mathématiques

Subjects: fractales; forcing; topoïCerisy; France

  • Source: L'action collective peut-elle être créatrice? Autour des travaux d'Armand Hatchuel ; ; L'action collective peut-elle être créatrice? Autour des travaux

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Purity and Explanation: Essentially Linked?

Subjects: Philosophy of mathematics; mathematical explanation; purity

  • Source: Mathematical Objects, Knowledge and Applications: Essays in Memory of Mark Steiner ; ; Carl Posy; Yemima Ben-Menahem. Mathematical Objects, Knowledge and Applications:

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Academic Journal

Goldilocks and the bar models ; Boucle d’or et les modèles en barres

Subjects: quantities; Bar model; Word problem solving

  • Source: Au fil des maths ; ; Au fil des maths, 2023, 550, pp.64-73 ;

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Academic Journal

‘to find out the pathe’: Mapping the Universal Machine in William Cuningham’s Cosmographical Glasse (1559)

Subjects: Franciscus Maurolico; John Daye; Robert Dudley

  • Source: EISSN: 2279-7149 ; Journal of Early Modern Studies ; ; Journal of Early Modern Studies, 2023, 12, pp.55-73. ⟨10.36253/jems-2279-7149-14384⟩

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Academic Journal

Mental Arithmetic and Mathematical Skills in Primary School. A Comparative Perspective Between Two Post-Colonial Education Systems: Martinique and Senegal

Subjects: School performance; Didactics of mathematics; Martinique

  • Source: ISSN: 2532-3296 ; Giornale Italiano di Educazione alla Salute, Sport e Didattica Inclusiva ; ; Giornale Italiano di Educazione alla Salute, Sport e Didattica

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Academic Journal

E. coli et compagnie

Subjects: [MATH.MATH-HO]Mathematics [math]/History and Overview [math.HO]; [MATH.MATH-PR]Mathematics [math]/Probability [math.PR]; [SHS.EDU]Humanities and Social Sciences/Education

  • Source: Bulletin de l'Union des Professeurs de Spéciales ; ; Bulletin de l'Union des Professeurs de Spéciales, 2023, Hiver 2022-2023 (281) ;

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Academic Journal

What is the place of examples in the teaching of abstract algebra? ; Quelle est la place des exemples dans l'enseignement de l'algèbre abstraite ?

Subjects: [MATH.MATH-HO]Mathematics [math]/History and Overview [math.HO]; [MATH.MATH-RA]Mathematics [math]/Rings and Algebras [math.RA]

  • Source: Épijournal de Didactique et Epistémologie des Mathématiques pour l’Enseignement Supérieur ; ; Épijournal de Didactique et Epistémologie des Mathématiques pour

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Academic Journal

Notes for a study of the didactic transposition of mathematical proof

Subjects: History of mathematics education; Mathematics education; Didactical transposition

  • Source: Philosophy of Mathematics Education Journal ; ; Philosophy of Mathematics Education Journal, In press ;

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  • 1-50 of  7,198 results for ""math history""