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Mogućnosti primjene mindfulnessa u programu kardiološke rehabilitacije. (Bosnian)
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Possibilities of application of mindfulness in cardiac rehabilitation. (English)
- Abstract:
Every comprehensive cardiac rehabilitation program includes management of psychological factors of cardiac disease. Broadly speaking, the goal of different psychological strategies and techniques in cardiac rehabilitation is to improve subjective wellbeing and quality of life in cardiac patients. Recently, in the field of clinical psychology there is growing number of mindfulness-based interventions. Mindfulness, in its simplest form, is cognitive skill that helps us direct attention to immediate experiences, moment by moment, as they unfold, on purpose and nonjudgmentally. This kind of attention allows us to replace automatic and reactive responses with conscious and engaged ones. Mindfulness is natural attribute of every individual and it can be practiced through different meditative exercises. Studies of regular mindfulness practice show its correlation with different indicators of physical and mental health. From therapeutic point of view, mindfulness-based interventions are being used to address different psychological difficulties: depression, anxiety, stress, chronic pain, as well as eating-related behaviors and smoking cessation. Mindfulness is mechanism utilized to build intrinsic motivation, which is most strongly associated with long-term behavior change. In cardiac patients it is important to work on emotional reactions to disease, along with different health behaviors, so mindfulness as core therapeutic mechanism could find its application in cardiac rehabilitation programs. One of the goals of rehabilitation is to offer patients tools for further independent prevention of disease and mindfulness could be one of those tools. Studies show that mindfulness- based interventions are helpful in reductions in anxiety and improvements in emotional control and coping in cardiac patients, as well as in blood pressure regulation, perceived stress and anger regulation.1,2 This paper will present considerations and some of the studies of applications of mindfulness-based interventions in cardiac rehabilitation. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Abstract:
Svaki cjeloviti program kardiološke rehabilitacije uključuje rad na psihološkim čimbenicima srčanih oboljenja, odnosno prilagodbi na bolest. Pritom se, primjenom niza psiholoških programa i tehnika, u najširem smislu nastoji unaprijediti subjektivna dobrobit i kvaliteta života srčanih bolesnika. U novije vrijeme u kliničkoj psihologiji raste broj programa temeljenih na mindfulnessu (usredotočenoj svjesnosti). Mindfulness je, u svojoj najjednostavnijoj formi, kognitivna vještina kojom se pažnja namjerno usmjerava na neposredna iskustva (u trenutku u kojem se događaju) i tako otvara mogućnost da na njih odgovorimo iz svjesne i otvorene pozicije, a ne automatski i reaktivno. Mindfulness je prirodno svojstvo svakog pojedinca koje se može osnaživati kroz različite meditativne vježbe, a studije redovite prakse mindfulnessa upućuju na njezinu povezanost s različitim indikatorima tjelesnog i psihološkog zdravlja. U terapijskom smislu, intervencije temeljene na mindfulnessu danas se primjenjuju za različite psihološke teškoće, poput depresivnosti, anksioznosti, stresa, kronične boli, ali i kod regulacije ponašanja u prehrani i prestanka pušenja. Relevantno je pritom da mindfulness potiče razvoj intrinzične motivacije koja je povezana s dugoročnim održavanjem promjene ponašanja. Kako je sa srčanim bolesnicima važno raditi upravo na emocionalnim reakcijama na bolest i ponašanjima povezanim sa zdravljem, mindfulness bi, kao sržni terapijski mehanizam, mogao naći svoju primjenu u programima kardiološke rehabilitacije. Pogotovo uzme lise u obzir da je jedan od zadataka rehabilitacije ponuditi bolesniku „alate" za daljnju samostalnu prevenciju bolestii to u relativno kratkom vremenskom razdoblju trajanja rehabilitacije. Istraživanja pokazuju kako programi temeljeni na mindfulnessu pomažu, na primjer, u smanjenju anksioznosti te poboljšanju emocionalne kontrole i suočavanja kod srčanih bolesnika kao i regulaciji arterijskog tlaka, percipiranog stresa i ljutnje.1,2 Kroz rad biti će prikazana razmatranja i dosadašnje spoznaje o područjima primjene te efikasnosti mindfulnessa u kardiološkoj rehabilitaciji. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Abstract:
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