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Izobraževanje bodočih vzgojiteljev za medpodročno povezovanje matematike in naravoslovja. (Slovenian)

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    • Abstract:
      Cross-curricular integration, which promotes the child's comprehensive development and allows to explore the world on a larger scale and in a more useful way, is of utmost importance in the pre-school period, and the knowledge children gain is more durable and global. In planning such activities, pre-school teacher must be well-acquainted with each curricular area as well as the didactic aspect in order to select and apply all the components (methods, forms and tools) and didactical levels according to the goals of the area the integration deals with. Pre-school teachers must take into consideration that the integration does not impoverish any of the fields involved. However, pre-school teachers cannot improvise the integration if they are not familiar with the approach. Therefore, it seems reasonable to train the comprehensive teaching of future pre-school teachers already in the academic years. The aim of the research was to find out what effect direct experience of interdisciplinary learning has during the professional training of students or future pre-school teachers. We wanted to find out whether the planned cross-curricular implementation of mathematics and science influences the attitudes and knowledge of students about cross-curricular integration. For this purpose, we designed an pre- and a post-questionnaire to determine whether statistically significant differences occurred before and after the elective course "Cross-curricular integration of mathematics and science". The analysis of the responses showed that after taking the course, students were significantly more aware of the need for careful planning of cross-curricular topics, and that after taking the course they felt more competent to integrate both mathematics and science with other curricular areas. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
    • Abstract:
      V predšolskem obdobju je medpodročno povezovanje pomembno, saj spodbuja celosten razvoj otrok, omogoča jim, da svet spoznavajo širše in življenjsko uporabnejše, posledično je znanje, ki ga pridobijo, trajnejše in celovitejše. Načrtovanje medpodročnih dejavnosti od vzgojitelja zahteva dobro poznavanje posameznega področja, tudi z didaktičnega vidika, saj le tako lahko izbere in uporabi vse komponente (metode, oblike, in pripomočke) in didaktične stopnje glede na cilje področij, ki vstopajo v povezave. Pri tem pa mora paziti, da povezave ne osiromašijo katerega od vpletenih področij. Zato je smiselno bodoče vzgojitelje že na fakultetni ravni usposabljati za povezovanje različnih področij dejavnosti. Namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti, kakšen učinek imajo neposredne izkušnje z medpodročnim učenjem v času usposabljanja študentov bodočih vzgojiteljev. Želeli smo ugotoviti, ali načrtno medpodročno izvajanje matematike in naravoslovja vpliva na odnos študentov bodočih vzgojiteljev do medpodročnega povezovanja in njihovo znanje o tem. V ta namen smo oblikovali začetni in končni vprašalnik, s katerim smo ugotavljali, ali so se pojavile statistično pomembne razlike pred izvedbo izbirnega predmeta Medpodročno povezovanje matematike in naravoslovja ter po njem. Analiza odgovorov je pokazala, da so se študenti po izvedbi predmeta bistveno bolj zavedali, da je medpodročne povezave treba skrbno načrtovati, poleg tega so po izvedbi predmeta ocenili, da se čutijo kompetentnejši za povezovanje tako matematike kot tudi naravoslovja s preostalimi kurikularnimi področji. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
    • Abstract:
      Copyright of Journal of Contemporary Educational Studies / Sodobna Pedagogika is the property of Association of Slovenian Educationalists and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)