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Survival of phosphate-solubilizing bacteria against DNA damaging agents.
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- Additional Information
- Source:
Publisher: Canadian Science Publishing Country of Publication: Canada NLM ID: 0372707 Publication Model: Print Cited Medium: Internet ISSN: 1480-3275 (Electronic) Linking ISSN: 00084166 NLM ISO Abbreviation: Can J Microbiol Subsets: MEDLINE
- Publication Information:
Publication: 2011- : Ottawa, ON : Canadian Science Publishing
Original Publication: Ottawa, Canada : National Research Council, [1954-
- Subject Terms:
- Abstract:
Phosphate-solubilizing bacteria (PSBs) were isolated from different plant rhizosphere soils of various agroecological regions of India. These isolates showed synthesis of pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ), production of gluconic acid, and release of phosphorus from insoluble tricalcium phosphate. The bacterial isolates synthesizing PQQ also showed higher tolerance to ultraviolet C radiation and mitomycin C as compared to Escherichia coli but were less tolerant than Deinococcus radiodurans. Unlike E. coli, PSB isolates showed higher tolerance to DNA damage when grown in the absence of inorganic phosphate. Higher tolerance to ultraviolet C radiation and oxidative stress in these PSBs grown under PQQ synthesis inducible conditions, namely phosphate starvation, might suggest the possible additional role of this redox cofactor in the survival of these isolates under extreme abiotic stress conditions.
- Accession Number:
0 (Calcium Phosphates)
0 (Gluconates)
0 (Phosphates)
50SG953SK6 (Mitomycin)
72909-34-3 (PQQ Cofactor)
EC (Catalase)
K4C08XP666 (tricalcium phosphate)
R4R8J0Q44B (gluconic acid)
- Publication Date:
Date Created: 20101022 Date Completed: 20101217 Latest Revision: 20131121
- Publication Date:
- Accession Number:
- Accession Number:
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