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Experiences with combined personal-online case management and the self-reliance of older people with multimorbidity living alone in private households: results of an interpretative-hermeneutical analysis.

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  • Additional Information
    • Source:
      Publisher: Taylor & Francis Country of Publication: Sweden NLM ID: 8804206 Publication Model: Print-Electronic Cited Medium: Internet ISSN: 1471-6712 (Electronic) Linking ISSN: 02839318 NLM ISO Abbreviation: Scand J Caring Sci
    • Publication Information:
      Publication: Stockolm, Sweden : Taylor & Francis
      Original Publication: Stockholm, Sweden : Almquist & Wiksell Periodical Co., [1987?-
    • Subject Terms:
    • Abstract:
      Background: To date in Germany, only few studies have been conducted concerning the efficacy of care and case management (CCM) for older people and about using communication technology during monitoring.
      Aim: With this study, it is intended to gain a better understanding of how CCM in general is perceived by older people (65+) living alone and in particular what they think about the CCM monitoring process used during video conferences.
      Method: The sampling and work cycle were based on the Grounded Theory. Two different subsamples (each n = 20; total sample: 70% women; age range: 64-92 years) were recruited. Interviews were conducted with the focus on CCM contributions (Subsample I) and monitoring supported by video conferences (Subsample II). All participants had received CCM from external providers (care support centres) in two German federal states. The intervention of CCM ranged between four and twelve months. Participants of Subsample II received additionally moderated video conferences via tablet PCs for and with older people over an intervention period of nine months.
      Results: Care and case management was experienced as a possibility for receiving individual support and for improving the user's everyday life. Within a short time, video conferences were a familiar communication tool. They enabled particularly people with reduced mobility to get barrier-free access to case managers, compensated for isolation and enabled participation.
      Conclusions: According to the view of older CCM users with multimorbidity living alone, CCM offers formative and organisational support in various life-domains. Combined with video conferences, the exchange of information becomes barrier-free and instantaneous, and the sense of security in health questions is reinforced.
      (© 2019 Nordic College of Caring Science.)
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    • Grant Information:
      17S16X11 Federal Ministry of Education and Research
    • Contributed Indexing:
      Keywords: care support centres; case management; frail elderly; monitoring; multimorbidity; tablet PCs; video conferences
    • Publication Date:
      Date Created: 20190418 Date Completed: 20200901 Latest Revision: 20200901
    • Publication Date:
    • Accession Number:
    • Accession Number: