Abstract: Resistance to anti-microbial agents has become one of the main issues in public health strategies world-wide. Much attention has been paid to the emergence of pathogenic micro-organisms such as enterococci or Salmonella that have developed resistance mechanisms that render them almost untreatable with current antibiotics. One of the alleged reasons for such an emergence is the non-medical use of antibiotics, especially in animals. However, only recently have veterinary forums and journals begun to discuss this topic. On the other hand, anti-microbial resistance has also become a problem in veterinary medicine and the number of reports indicating high rates of resistance among animal-originated micro-organisms is considerable. The present review deals with the mechanisms of resistance known for antibiotics in common veterinary use, the problem of anti-microbial resistance in veterinary medicine and the links between the use of antibiotics in animals and the emergence of anti-microbial resistance in humans.
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