Abstract: �� Dyscinetus olivaceus H��hne, 1923 Dyscinetus olivaceus H��hne 1923a: 252 (Bolivia - LECTOTYPE) Distribution. Suriname: Endr��di 1966a: 394, 1985a: 169; Moore et al. 2018b: 271. French Guiana: Duranton 2011: 18; Ponchel 2011: 60 (as D. dolivacea [sic]); Moore et al. 2018b: 271. Brazil: H��hne 1923a: 252; Endr��di 1966a: 394, 1985a: 169; Joly and Escalona 2010: 224; Moore et al. 2018b: 271. Venezuela: Endr��di 1966a: 394, 1985a: 169; Joly and Escalona 2010: 224; Moore et al. 2018b: 271. Other: H��hne 1923a: 252 (Bolivia, Colombia); Arrow 1937b: 18 (Colombia); Blackwelder 1944: 253 (Colombia); Endr��di 1966a: 394 (Bolivia - designation LECTOTYPE Dyscinetus olivaceus, Colombia, Peru), 1985a: 169 (Bolivia, Colombia, Peru, Trinidad and Tobago); Joly and Escalona 2010: 224 (Bolivia, Colombia); Moore et al. 2018b: 271 (Bolivia, Colombia, Peru, Trinidad and Tobago). Note 1. Joly and Escalona (2010: 224) give details regarding two paralectotypes of Dyscinetus olivaceus; a male from Bolivia and a female from the state of Par�� in Brazil. These are not mentioned in Endr��di (1966a), but could be correct according to the data given in H��hne (1923a: 252). We suspect that the paralectotype from the state of Par�� in Brazil is mislabeled; see next note for explanation. Note 2. Specimens from Suriname and French Guiana identified as Dyscinetus olivaceus belong in fact to D. mendax, which was recently described by Joly and Escalona (2010: 227). The true D. olivaceus does not occur in the research area and is probably restricted to the higher altitudes of northwestern South America.
Published as part of Hielkema, Auke J. & Hielkema, Meindert A., 2019, An annotated checklist of the Scarabaeoidea (Insecta: Coleoptera) of the Guianas, pp. 1-306 in Insecta Mundi 732 (732) on page 188, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3678492
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