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  • Additional Information
    • Publication Information:
      根研究会, 2003.
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    • Abstract:
      Super roots of Lotus corniculatus are a fast growing legume root culture that allows continuous root cloning, direct somatic embryogenesis and mass regeneration of plants under entirely growth regulator-free culture conditions. These features are unique to root cultures and are now stably expressed since the culture has been isolated almost 5 years ago. Super roots switch from exclusive root proliferation to shoot production upon transfer to light and stationary condition. Lateral root formation continues at a reduced rate while embryos and shoots are forming. When infected with Rhizobium loti, super roots carrying somatic embryos and small shoots, form root nodules. Regenerating super roots provide evidence that root-derived somatic embryos and shoots of L. corniculatus begin to form in a process related to the development of lateral roots or root nodules. When treated with a low concentration of benzylamino purine (BAP) shoots form at an increased rate matching the spacing typical for lateral roots. The super-growing root culture of L. corniculatus regenerates plants that show no morphological differences as compared to wild-type regenerants or seedlings. Roots dissected from plantlets derived from super roots or from super root-derived protoplasts express all super root qualities again when cultured in vitro. Super roots provide a favorable experimental system for developmental studies that are sensitive to exogenous hormones such as lateral root formation or nodulation in vitro.
      スーパールート (Super growing roots; SR) は, in vitro 根粒形成研究の過程において植物ホルモン非存在下で地上部の影響を排除した切断根を培養した際に, 偶然に見出されたマメ科植物の西洋ミヤコグサ (Lotus corniculatus L.) 由来の新奇な材料である (Akashi et al. 1998). SRは, 植物体再分化能が高く, 容易にプロトプラストが単離でき, その分裂も旺盛であるなどの特徴を有しており, 発見から約5年を経過した現在でもその特性を維持している(Akasi et al. 1998, 2000).
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