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Islamic Terrorism and the Misuse of Religious Principles and Dogmas

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  • Additional Information
    • Publication Information:
      Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve Republike Slovenije, Visoka policijsko-varnostna šola, 2020.
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    • Abstract:
      Namen prispevka: Islamistični terorizem je postal globalna grožnja varnosti sodobnih družb in držav. Cilj članka je osvetliti uporabo islamskih verskih dogem in načel pri strateškem opravičevanju terorizma in v konkretnih primerih terorističnih napadov. Besedilo temelji na hipotezi, da islamistični teroristi pri doseganju svojih ciljev selektivno upoštevajo in zlorabljajo islamske verske dogme ter načela. Metode: Ključni uporabljeni metodi sta hermenevtična metoda (razlaga in interpretacija filozofske in verske literature) pri obravnavi in interpretaciji islamističnih svetih besedil in metoda študije primerov pri obravnavi štirih terorističnih napadov (napadi v Londonu leta 2005, Beslanu leta 2004, Mumbaju leta 2008 in Nairobiju leta 2013). Generalizirana spoznanja o zlorabah verskih načel v navedenih terorističnih napadih bodo oblikovana s pomočjo primerjalne metode. Ugotovitve: Ključno za uspeh islamističnega terorizma je oblikovanje vplivne interpretacije islama, ki opravičuje in motivira posameznike ali skupine za izvajanje nasilnih dejanj. Besedilo potrjuje hipotezo o zlorabi islamskih verskih načel in dogem za namene islamističnega terorizma. Na strateško-konceptualni ravni je vidna selektivna oziroma necelovita interpretacija Korana in hadisov. Teroristična uporaba verskih načel temelji na izpostavljanju le določenih verzov, ki obljubljajo odrešitev, kar je najbolj ekstremno vidno na področju samomorilskega terorizma. Zloraba konteksta in verskih besedil temelji še na oblikovanju interpretacije, da je muslimanska družba napadena s strani nevernikov, čemur sledi potreba po džihadu (zopet razumljena selektivno le kot boj proti zunanjemu zlu). Sledi oblikovanje poenostavljenega razumevanja nevernikov kot popolnih sovražnikov Alaha, ki si zaslužijo le smrt. Analiza štirih terorističnih napadov pa odraža kršitve v smislu napadanja civilnih ciljev. Poleg tega napadov v nobenem primeru niso ukazali zakoniti verski voditelji muslimanske države, ampak so jih ukazali poveljniki teroristične organizacije. Prav tako ne moremo reči, da so bili ti štirje napadi izvedeni za zaščito muslimanske ume oziroma skupnosti, saj so bili med napadenimi in žrtvami tudi sami muslimani. Omejitve/uporabnost raziskave Ključna omejitev raziskave izhaja iz omejenega števila konceptualnih in praktičnih primerov zlorab islama v teroristične namene. Izvirnost/pomembnost prispevka: Tema je relevantna, ker pripomore k izboljšanju razumevanja islamističnega terorizma in ustvarja pogoje za učinkovitejše protiteroristično delovanje, kar se izraža tudi v končnih priporočilih. Tema je izvirna, ker natančno pojasni točke, kjer islamistični teroristi manipulirajo z verskimi načeli in dogmami. Purpose: Islamic terrorism has become a global security threat. The purpose of this paper is to study the use of Islamic religious dogmas and principles in strategic justification of terrorism and in specific cases of terrorist attacks. The text is based on the hypothesis that Islamic terrorists selectively use Islamic principles and dogmas to achieve their goals. Design/Methods/Approach: Key used methods are the hermeneutic method (explanation and interpretation of philosophical and religious literature) for addressing the Islamic holy texts and the method of case studies for analysing four terrorist attacks (London in 2005, Beslan in 2004, Mumbai in 2008 and Nairobi in 2013). Generalized findings about the misuse of religious principles in the stated terrorist attacks were addressed by the comparative method. Findings: Key for success of the Islamic terrorism is to create an influential interpretation of Islam that will justify terrorism and motivate individuals and groups to carry out violent acts. This text confirms the hypothesis on the misuse of religious principles and dogmas for the purposes of Islamic terrorism. At the strategic-conceptual level, we observed selective and narrow interpretation of the Koran and hadiths. The terrorist use of religion has been based only on stressing the specific principles and verses, mostly promising salvation (most obvious in the case of suicide terrorism). The misuse of the context and the religious texts has been based on the creation of interpretation that Muslim society has been attacked by non-believers, leading to the need for Jihad (also narrowly understood as only the fight against the external evil). What follows is the creation of a simplified understanding of non-believers as complete enemies of Allah that deserve only death. Analysis of four terrorist attacks showed violations of attacking the civilian environment with civilian targets. Additionally, these attacks were not ordered by the official religious leaders, but by the terrorist leaders. One can also not claim that attacks were for protection of the Islamic ummah (community), because Muslims were also among the attacked population. Research Limitations / Implications: The key limitation can be found in the limited number of the conceptual and practical cases of violation and misuse of Islam used in the paper. Originality/Value: The topic is relevant due to its contribution to improving our understanding of the Islamic terrorism and creating the conditions for improving the counter-terrorist activities. The topic is original because the exact points of misuse and violations were detected and properly put into a broader context.
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