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Bolezni drevja v arboretumu Volčji potok

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  • Additional Information
    • Contributors:
      Jurc, Dušan
    • Publication Information:
      T. Hauptman, 2014.
    • Publication Date:
    • Abstract:
      V diplomski nalogi smo raziskovali zdravje drevja v urbanem okolju. Namen naloge je bil določiti povzročitelje bolezni parkovnega drevja, opisati njihovo delovanje in predlagati ukrepe za zatiranje bolezni. V Arboretumu Volčji Potok smo zato nabrali vzorce obolelih rastlinskih delov, ki smo jih zatem na Gozdarskem inštitutu mikroskopirali in nato s pomočjo fitopatoloških knjig in determinacijskih ključev za glive določili povzročitelje. Vzorce ugotovljenih bolezni smo shranili v mikološko zbirko Gozdarskega inštituta, podatke o njihovih lokacijah pa vnesli v podatkovno zbirko. Odkrili smo 21 različnih gliv, ki v Arboretumu povzročajo bolezni drevja. Po pregledu literature in različnih virov smo ugotovili, da se jih je kar 8 od teh 21 v naših krajih pojavljalo že pred več kot sto leti, glivi Dicarpella dryina in Uncinula carpinicola pa sta bili pri izdelavi tega diplomskega dela na področju Slovenije prvič odkriti. Na nekaj hirajočih drevesih povzročiteljev odmiranja oziroma gliv nismo odkrili zato predvidevamo, da so vzrok za oslabitev drugi škodljivi dejavniki. This degree dissertation deals with researches on tree diseases in the urban area. The goal of this work was to determine the causes of park trees diseases, describe their effects and suggest possible measures for their suppresion. Samples of injuries were therefore gathered at the arboretum, microscoped at the Slovenian Forestry Institute (Gozdarski Inštitut Slovenije)and several books on phytopathology and fungal determination keys were consulted to determine the causes of the diseases. All the samples of theidentified diseases were stored in the mycology collection at the Instituteand their location data were registered in the database. 21 differentfungi that cause tree diseases at the arboretum were found. After consulting the available literature and sources, it was established that 8 of the 21 fungi have been present in that region of Slovenia for over a hundred years while two of them, Dicarpella dryina and Uncinula carpinicola, were first discovered during the researches for this dissertation. On some of the declining trees no fungi or other pests were found, it is therefore assumed that some other harmful factor damaged the tree.
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