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The economic dependence of Albania from the aids and loans by the socialist camp and the People's Republic of China 1956-1962 ; Varësia e mbijetesёs ekonomike tё Shqipёrisё nga ndihmat dhe kreditё e kampit socialist dhe tё Republikёs Popullore tё Kinёs 1956-1962

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  • Author(s): Boriçi, Gjon
  • Source:
    Historical Studies; No. 1-2 (2020): Historical Studies; 213-234 ; Studime Historike; No. 1-2 (2020): Studime Historike; 213-234 ; 0563-5799
  • Document Type:
    article in journal/newspaper
  • Language:
  • Additional Information
    • Publication Information:
      Historical Studies
      Studime Historike
    • Publication Date:
    • Abstract:
      The second half of the '50ies and the beginning of the '60ies in the political-economic history of Albania with the countries of the socialist camp, mark a great change. The total dependence of the small Balkan country towards the not only Soviet aids and loans, but the entire socialist camp was of extraordinary dimensions. The misuse of these loans giving nearly absolute priority of heavy industry, not only would wrench the economic power of the country to only survive by the aids and loans and never would walk on its own feet. Only from the former countries of the socialist camp headed by the Soviet Union, Albania would be granted 780 million rubles to the same equal exchange to the American dollar. After the break off with the Soviet Union and after the interruption of all the credits and loans from the countries of the socialist camp, Albania was granted by China until 1962 according to the documents I have seen the sum of 500 million rubles. As it's seen, from 1954 when started the first Chinese loan to 1962, from the entire eastern bloc, Albania was granted the sum of 1.616.500.000 rubles for a population of barely 1.3 million inhabitants. If we make a comparison with the western European countries who were granted credits by the United States of America within the framework of the Marshal Plan, Albania would had to surpass them economically multiple times if all this money would have been properly invested. ; Viti 1956 shënon një tjetër afrim të marrëdhënieve të Republikёs Popullore të Shqipёrisё [mё tej: RPSH] me Republikёn Popullore të Kinёs [mё tej: RPK]. Pas Kongresit XX të Partisë Komuniste të Bashkimit Sovjetik, Enver Hoxha do të fillonte të kthente sytë përherë e më tepër nga RPK e Mao Ce Dunit. Kina nga ana e saj po shikonte tek Shqipëria një urë të rëndësishme në Evropë. Pas konferencës së Gjenevës të vitit 1954, Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës kishin thelluar izolimin ndërkombëtar të RPK-sё.1 Nga ana e tij, Enver Hoxha i kishte mbijetuar politikisht Konferencës së Partisë të Tiranës, të prillit ...
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    • Rights:
      Copyright (c) 2023 Akademia e Studimeve Albanologjike
    • Accession Number: