Abstract: This article is devoted to the study and analysis of the articles from a large French newspaper “Le Monde”. The aim of this study is to identify English borrowings in the newspaper discourse. The process of borrowing is quite natural for any existing languages. However, it is significant to determine the function and role of the borrowed vocabulary in the language. In our article there are analyzed 96 articles, 24 articles per a sphere. There are four spheres: politics, economics, culture and sport. That is why according to the obtained results, it is identified that English borrowings are presented unevenly. The most amounts of borrowings is found in the articles dedicated to the sphere of culture and sport. The least amount of borrowings is found in articles on politics and economics. Among the found borrowings it is worth noting that most of them are different terms. It means that such borrowings enrich the language itself without replacing the original vocabulary of the language. Keywords: borrowings, newspaper discourse, English, French
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