Abstract: The dawn of the 21st century heralded a new era where the traditional desktop computers, and pagers, became obsolete and smartphones became ubiquitous around the world. Everybody jumped into the tech bandwagon and each one started to get one phone for themselves according to their predilections. The rise of YouTube, Facebook, WhatsApp, and later followed by TikTok, and Instagram all happened during this time. The internet suddenly boomed with various types of content and people began consuming it. This eventually led to the concomitant increase in screen time and desk-bound behaviour. Insomnia, Sleeplessness, and various other disorders have been on the rise. The goal of the study is to investigate how young people use technology, including how much time they spend using it, why they do it, and how it affects their lifestyle. The detrimental effects of blue light on our eyes and brain are what we are focusing on in this report. In this study, we have used non-probability sampling and distributed structured questionnaires to collate data on the deleterious impact of smartphones on the sleep cycle of students. The results are evaluated considering the most recent theories, and future implications are noted.
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