Abstract: By DNA-DNA reassociation kinetic analysis, less than one genome quivalent per cell of human CMV-DNA was found in two lymphoblastoid cell lines, one derived from the peripheral blood of a congenitally infected male infant at the age of 2I months (D4 cell line), the other obtained by co-cultivation of lethally X-irradiated cells from the 9-month lymphoblastoid cell line previously described by Joncas et al. (1975) with cord blood leukocytes of a female newborn (MI cell line). Human CMV antigens could not be detected and virus could not be rescued from these cells by co-cultivation with fully permissive human fibroblasts. It may be that the CMV-DNA is defective. Epstein-Barr virus DNA as well as EBNA and EBV-EA antigens were present in these cell lines. Both lines express urface markers characteristic of thymus-independent, B lymphocytes. The CMV-DNA of the CMV-DU strain, isolated from this infant's urine five times successively from the age of I day to 3o months, appears to be closely related to the DNA of the AD-I69 strain by reciprocal hybridization and by electrophoretic pattern analysis of the restriction enzyme cleavage products. Experimental ttempts to transform cord blood leukocytes with this urine strain of CMV before or after u.v. irradiation have so far failed.
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