Abstract: Background: The number of elderly people continues to increase at the age of over 60 years with an incidence of hypertension of 50-60% with blood pressure greater than or equal to 140/90 mmHg. One of the efforts to prevent complications requires an increase in prevention by carrying out self-care management as an effort to control and control the disease. Good self-care management is obtained when the elderly are able to actively engage in care behavior and make decisions that support health.Purpose: To determine the relationship between self-care management and quality of life among the elderly with hypertension.Method: A descriptive correlation with a correlational research design. The time approach used was cross-sectional. The sampling technique in this study used 2 methods, namely purposive sampling and proportionate stratified random sampling. The number of respondents was 62 people. The research instrument for self-care management variables used the hypertension self-management behavior questionnaire (HSMBQ), while for quality of life WHOQOL-BREF. Statistical test using Kendall Tau.Results: Shows the value of the correlation coefficient () = 0.340 and significance (p) = 0.007 <0.05. Statistically, there is a significant relationship between self-care management and quality of life, with sufficient closeness and a positive relationship.Conclusion: There is a relationship between self-care management and quality of life in elderly hypertensives.Suggestion: It is hoped that the elderly with hypertension can improve their self-care management skills by adopting a healthy lifestyle and routinely monitoring blood pressure at health facilities to achieve a high quality of life.Keywords: Self-Care Management; Quality of Life; Hypertension; ElderlyPendahuluan: Jumlah lansia terus meningkat pada usia diatas 60 tahun dengan angka kejadian hipertensi sebesar 50 – 60% dengan tekanan darah lebih besar atau sama dengan 140/90 mmHg. Salah satu upaya pencegahan komplikasi diperlukan adanya peningkatan pencegahan dengan ...
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