Abstract: Changes in the hemogram constituents of sows in different phases of the reproductive cycle, raised in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, were assessed. In order to do this, 129 blood samples of healthy Landrace, Large White and crossbreeding sows were used. The samples, according to the phase of the reproductive cycle, were stratified in four groups: pregnancy1 (from 0 to 80 days of pregnancy), pregnancy 2 (from 81 to 114 days of pregnancy), lactation and nonpregnancy. The average values and the standard deviation of the hemogram constituentes in the different groups were: pregnancy1: erythrocytes 6.10 0.88 106/mm3, globular volume (GV) 37.53 3.44 %, hemoglobin concentration (Hb) 12.73 1.22 g/dl, mean corpuscular volume (MCV) 61.99 6.26 fl, mean corpuscular (MCHC) 34.02 1.12 %, number of leukocytes (mm3) 12775 1965, band neutrophils 79 96, mature neutrophils 4345 1291, lymphocytes 7076 1480, monocytes 312 261, eosinophils 941 568 and basophils 23 64; pregnancy 2: erythrocytes 6.97 1.06 106/mm3, GV 35.74 3.7 %, Hb 12.44 1.45 g/dl, MCV 51.84 5.6 fl, MCHC 34.77 1.17 %, number of leukocytes (mm3) 14706 2107, band neutrophils 103 142, mature neutrophils 5768 1119, lymphocytes 7772 1354, monocytes 366 219, eosinophils 669 450 and basophils 27 79; sow in lactation: erythrocytes 5.74 0.63 106/mm3, GV 34.40 3.08 %, Hb 11.77 1.19 g/dl, MCV 60.03 7.10 fl, MCHC 34.20 1.43 %, number of leukocytes (mm3) 12504 2246, band neutrophils 53 101, mature neutrophils 5641 1491, lymphocytes 5687 1485, monocytes 393 265, eosinophils 697 342 and basophils 33 63; nonpregnant sows: erythrocytes 6.17 1.18 106/mm3, GV 34.89 3.24 %, Hb 11.47 1.33 g/dl, MCV 57.51 7.28 fl, MCHC 32.85 163 %, number of leukocytes (mm3) 1431 4058, band neutrophils 58 71, mature neutrophils 5928 1555, lymphocytes 7161 2823, monocytes 316 253, eosinophils 834 667 and basophils 13 49. It can be concluded that there is an individual variation of the hemogram ...
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