Abstract: The writings of this dissertation are fruit of a theoretical and practical research about ethnic-racial thematic and the continuous education of teachers from early childhood education. The research is part of the Professional Master‟s Degree Course of the Post-Graduation Program in Public Policies and Educational Management from Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. The research was done at an early childhood education Vó Edi Garagorri Teixeira Municipal School in the municipality of São Gabriel/RS in the year of 2017. The main objective is to investigate how it is possible to approach the ethnic-racial thematic, having as focus the Afro-Brazilian culture in the continuous education of teachers, in a early childhood education institute. The theoreticians used to support this work were organized through the thematic: early childhood education: (CAMPOS, 1999; CERIZARA, 1999; ROSEMBERG 1999; KUHLMANN JR., 2003) and the official national documents; Black Child: (MOTT, 1979; FREYRE, 2006; DEL PRIORE, 2010; DUARTE, 2011); Initial and Continuous Education of teachers: (GATTI, 2008; IMBERNÓN, 2006; SAVIANI, 2011; DOURADO, 2015; FORMOSINHO, 2016; FUSARI, 2007); Continuous education of Teachers in the perspective of racial relations: (SARAIVA, 2009; DIAS, 2011b; FEITAL, 2016; GOMES, 2005) among others. And also to articulate with this theoretical approach it was used ethnic-racial policies such as: the Law 10.639/2003 (BRASIL 2003), the National Curricular Guidelines for the Education of Ethnic-racial relations and for the Teaching of Afro-Brazilian and African History and Culture (BRASIL, 2004a) and the National Curricular Guidelines for Early Childhood Education (BRASIL, 2009a). We adopted as methodology the qualitative research approach (MINAYO, 2009) of the case study type and as data collection technique, the narrative interview, from which the analysis of data emerged based on the thematic analysis (BAUER; GASKELL, 2014), which revealed the following categories: lived experiences; spaces, time and materials ...
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