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Mjerenje gubitaka u magnetskim limovima metodom Epsteina ; Measurement of losses in magnetic sheets using the Epstein method

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  • Additional Information
    • Contributors:
      Rozing, Goran
    • Publication Information:
      Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku. Fakultet elektrotehnike, računarstva i informacijskih tehnologija Osijek. Zavod za zajedničke predmete. Katedra za matematiku, fiziku i strojarstvo.
      Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek. Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Information Technology Osijek. Department of Core Courses. Chair of Mathematics, Physics and Mechanical Engineering.
    • Publication Date:
    • Collection:
      Repository of the University of Osijek
    • Abstract:
      U završnom radu opisane su metode ispitivanja magnetskih svojstava materijala te je provedeno mjerenje gubitaka u magnetskim limovima metodom Epsteina. Povijest o magnetskim materijalima ukratko je opisana, kao i nastanak i razvoj magnetskih materijala. Nadalje su opisana svojstava magnetskih materijala te su navedene vrste ponašanja magnetskih materijala koji se nalaze u magnetskom polju. Također uz njih opisane su i pojave koje se javljaju pri magnetiziranju poput petlje histereze te sami gubitci prilikom magnetiziranja. Prije provedbe mjerenja potrebno je upoznati se s vrstama mekih i tvrdih magnetskih materijala kao i s vrstama mjerenja iz kojih se dobivaju mjerni rezultati pomoću kojih se mogu izračunati gubitci. Pri provođenju mjerenja metodom Epsteina dobiveni su mjerni rezultati iz kojih su izračunati gubitci koji su prikazani tablično i grafički te su objašnjene različite vrijednosti gubitaka korištenih uzoraka magnetskih materijala. Također je provedeno snimanje petlje histereze pomoću osciloskopa te su prikazane petlje histereze za spomenute uzorke. ; The final thesis describes methods for testing the magnetic properties of materials, and measurements of losses in magnetic laminations were conducted using the Epstein method. The history of magnetic materials is briefly described, including their origins and development. The properties of magnetic materials are described, and the types of behaviors exhibited by magnetic materials in a magnetic field are listed. The phenomena that occur during magnetization, such as the hysteresis loop, as well as the losses during magnetization, are also explained. Prior to conducting the measurements using the Epstein method, it is necessary to familiarize oneself with the types of soft and hard magnetic materials, as well as the types of measurements from which measurement results are obtained for calculating losses. By performing measurements using the Epstein method, measurement results were obtained, from which losses were calculated and presented in tabular and ...
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    • Accession Number: