Abstract: 104 páginas y anexos. ; This qualitative action research study informs the contribution of the design and implementation of worksheets based on vocabulary learning strategies to improve reading comprehension in a group of seventh graders in a public school in Bogotá, Colombia. The current study is supported by three constructs: materials development. Vocabulary learning strategies, and reading comprehension. To accomplish the proposed objectives, five worksheets were designed and implemented considering the principles of materials development. In addition, the data were gathered by means of students' artifacts. Field notes and focus group interviews. These instruments conducted the researcher to both collect evidence methodically and answer the research question. The findings of this research study showed: firstly, that teacher-made materials triggered effective processes to improve the reading comprehension. Factors like building understanding and confidence, and the design of teaching resources focused on the development of the brain's potential contributed substantially to the improvement of students' reading comprehension. Secondly, it was evident the importance of considering L1 as a source to support vocabulary learning due to the fact that students relied on Spanish to figure out how the L2 worked; besides, their only previous linguistic knowledge is L their mother tongue. Thirdly, it was revealed the impact that certain factors and strategies like sharing and comparing knowledge with peers had on the students’ reading comprehension. ; Esta investigación cualitativa se basó en el diseño y la implementación de talleres a partir de estrategias para el aprendizaje de vocabulario con el fin de mejorar los procesos de comprensión de lectura en estudiantes de grado séptimo en un colegio público en Bogotá, Colombia. Este estudio se fundamenta en tres constructos: desarrollo de materiales, estrategias de aprendizaje de vocabulario y comprensión de lectura. Para alcanzar los objetivos propuestos se diseñaron e ...
Relation: Hoyos, J. (2016). Implementing materials designed to develop vocabulary acquisition. (Unpublished master’s thesis). School of Education, Universidad Externado de Colombia, Bogotá; Neita, L. (2015). Task-based vocabulary activities to enhance reading comprehension. (Unpublished master’s thesis). Bogotá: School of Education, Universidad Externado de Colombia; Núñez, A., Téllez, M. & Castellanos, J. (2017 b). Teacher-developed materials in a master programme in education with emphasis on English didactics. In A. Núñez, M.F. Téllez, & J. Castellanos (Eds.), The role of teacher - developed materials in fostering English language skills (pp. 13-56) Bogotá: Departamento de publicaciones Universidad Externado de Colombia.; Núñez, A., Téllez, M., & Castellanos, J. (2013). Document: Proposal for the research line materials development and didactics (Ascribed to the Research Group: Critical Pedagogy and Didactics for Social Transformation). Unpublished manuscript, School of Education, Universidad Externado de Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia.; Núñez, A., Téllez, M., Castellanos, J., & Ramos, B. (2009). A practical materials development guide for EFL pre-service, novice, and in-service teachers. Bogotá: School of Education, Universidad Externado de Colombia.; https://bdigital.uexternado.edu.co/handle/001/1298; https://doi.org/10.57998/bdigital.handle.001.1298
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