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Teorijska analiza uloge dijaloga i dionika u upravljanju kriznim situacijama u društvenim medijima ; Theoretical Analysis of the Role of Dialogue and Stakeholders in Social Media in Managing Crisis

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  • Additional Information
    • Publication Information:
      Faculty of Political Science
    • Publication Date:
    • Collection:
      Hrčak - Portal of scientific journals of Croatia / Portal znanstvenih časopisa Republike Hrvatske
    • Abstract:
      Predmet je ovoga rada teorijska analiza odabrane strane i domaće literature čiji rezultati pomažu u razumijevanju kako dijalog i upravljanje dionicima pridonose poslovnim organizacijama u komunikaciji na društvenim medijima tijekom krize. Donedavno postojeće teorije analize dionika postaju nepotpune pojavom društvenih medija. Zbog toga je potrebno istražiti prednosti i nedostatke starih metoda i predložiti nove kako bi se pronašle one najprimjerenije. Cilj je ovog teorijskog rada opisati utjecaje te prednosti dijaloga s dionicima u društvenim medijima tijekom kriznoga događaja. Fokus ovoga rada također je u opisu i važnosti primjene prakse dogovora i rješavanja sukoba s pomoću dijaloga između organizacije i dionika. Ističu se i prednosti novih medija u izgrađivanju i održavanju povjerenja i odnosa s dionicima tijekom kriznoga događaja jer oni mogu utjecati na smanjenje moguće štete za organizaciju i ubrzati njezin oporavak. ; This paper scrutinizes theoretically the issue of how dialogue and stakeholder analysis contribute to business organizations and their communication on social media in times of crisis. It provides a theoretical overview of selected foreign and Croatian literature, thus making a contribution to the understanding of their role in crisis management. In view of the emergence and ever more increasing importance of social media, the existing theories of stakeholder analysis have turned out to be incomplete. Therefore, it is necessary to explore the advantages and disadvantages of the older methods and suggest new, more adequate, ones. The aim of this theoretical paper is to describe the impact and the advantages of dialogue with stakeholders on social media during a crisis. It focuses on the importance of applying the practice of agreement and conflict resolution through dialogue between the organization and its stakeholders. The benefits of social media in building and maintaining trust and stakeholder relations during a crisis are also highlighted, as they can help reduce potential harm to an ...
    • File Description:
    • Relation:
    • Online Access:
    • Rights:
      info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess ; Medijske studije (Media Studies) is an open access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher. This is in accordance with the BOAI definition of open access. The author (or authors) is the copyright holder and retains publishing rights - see more on Author Rights. Medijske studije journal is under the CC (Creative Commons) licence.
    • Accession Number: