Abstract: Pelješac 1333. godine dolazi pod vlast Dubrovačke Republike koja provodi prvu poznatu podjelu poluotoka. Zemlja je razdijeljena među dubrovačkim plemstvom, a lokalnom stanovništvu nametnuti su kmetski odnosi koji traju sve do razdoblja Austro-Ugarske uprave. Tema ovog rada je istraživanje urbanističkog razvoja Kune Pelješke, centralnog naselja Pelješke Župe. U današnjem naselju koje je s vremenom izgubilo izvornu urbanističku strukturu mogu se raspoznati dva glavna tipa gradnje. Prvi tip pojavljuje se u 15. stoljeću, u doba Dubrovačke Republike. Tad su naselja građena prema određenim pravilima koja su propisana dubrovačkim statutom i drugim aktima vezanim za gradnju. Drugi tip pripada 19. stoljeću, dobu Austro-Ugarske te je usko vezan za poboljšanje ekonomske moći lokalnog stanovništva tj. procvata trgovine i pomorstva. ; In 1333 Pelješac came under the rule of the Republic of Dubrovnik, which carried out the first known division of the peninsula. The land was divided among the Dubrovnik nobility and serfdom relations were imposed on the local population, which lasted until the time of the Austro-Hungarian administration. The subject of this paper is research into the urban development in Kuna Pelješka, the central settlement of Pelješka Župa. Two main types of buildings can be distinguished in the present settlement, which has lost its original urban structure over time. The first type appears in the 15th century, at the time of the Dubrovnik Republic. At that time, settlements were built according to certain rules laid down in the Statute of Dubrovnik and other laws on building. The second type dates back to the 19th century, the time of Austria-Hungary, and is closely related to the improvement of the economic power of the local population, i.e. the flourishing of trade and shipping.
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