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Matematika Ponzijeve sheme ; Mathematics of Ponzy Scheme

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  • Additional Information
    • Contributors:
      Šuvak, Nenad
    • Publication Information:
      Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku. Odjel za matematiku.
      Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek. Department of Mathematics.
    • Publication Date:
    • Collection:
      Croatian Digital Theses Repository (National and University Library in Zagreb)
    • Abstract:
      Tema ovog rada je Ponzijeva shema, jedan od najpoznatijih oblika investicijske prijevare. Glavni cilj rada je konstruiranje matematičkog modela Ponzijeve sheme pomoću kojega smo kasnije uspjeli doći do zaključaka o održivosti sheme. Model smo konstruirali koristeći linearnu diferencijalnu jendadžbu i ranije poznate podatke o originalnoj Ponzijevoj shemi. Konstruirani model ovisi o određenim parametrima te smo željeli saznati kako promjena vrijednosti tih parametara utječe na održivost sheme. U tu svrhu u Matlabu smo napravili grafičke simulacije modela za nekoliko različitih kombinacija parametara. Promatrajući grafičke simulacije došli smo do zaključka kako Ponzijeva shema može biti održiva neograničeno dugo samo ako je upravitelj fonda spreman uložiti veliki iznos početnog kapitala, no tada on ne bi ostvario nikakvu dobit. U suprotnom, ako upravitelj sheme želi ostvariti dobit, onda ´ce u odredenom trenutku doći do manjka novih investitora te će svaka takva shema biti osuđena na propast. ; The topic of this paper is the Ponzi scheme, one of the most well-known forms of investment fraud. The main goal of this paper is to construct a mathematical model of the Ponzi scheme by which we later managed to draw conclusions about the viability of the scheme. We constructed the model by using linear differential equation and previously known data about the original Ponzi scheme. The constructed model depends on certain parameters, and we wanted to find out how changing the values of these parameters affects the viability of the scheme. For this purpose, we made graphical simulations of the model for several different combinations of parameters by using Matlab. By observing those graphical simulations, we concluded that the Ponzi scheme can be viable indefinitely only if the fund manager is willing to invest a large amount of initial capital, but then he would not make any profit. On the contrary, if the scheme manager wants to make a profit, then at some point there will be a shortage of new investors and any such ...
    • File Description:
    • Relation:;;;
    • Online Access:
    • Rights: ; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
    • Accession Number: