Contributors: Burton, Barbara K; Balwani, Manisha; Feillet, Françoi; Barić, Ivo; Burrow, T. Andrew; Camarena Grande, Carmen; Coker, Mahmut; Consuelo Sánchez, Alejandra; Deegan, Patrick; Di Rocco, Maja; Enns, Gregory M; Erbe, Richard; Ezgu, Fatih; Ficicioglu, Can; Furuya, Katryn N; Kane, John; Laukaitis, Christina; Mengel, Eugen; Neilan, Edward G; Nightingale, Scott; Peters, Heidi; Scarpa, Maurizio; Schwab, K. Otfried; Smolka, Vratislav; Valayannopoulos, Vassili; Wood, Marnie; Goodman, Zachary; Yang, Yijun; Eckert, Stephen; Rojas Caro, Sandra; Quinn, Anthony G.
Abstract: Lysosomal acid lipase is an essential lipid-metabolizing enzyme that breaks down endocytosed lipid particles and regulates lipid metabolism. We conducted a phase 3 trial of enzyme-replacement therapy in children and adults with lysosomal acid lipase deficiency, an underappreciated cause of cirrhosis and severe dyslipidemia.
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