Abstract: Social participation, besides being considered one of main goals of rehabilitation, is defined by scientific literature and some specific public policies for the elderly as one of the pillars to active aging. Nevertheless, few studies have investigated the social participation of Brazilian elderly population and its predictors. The objective of this present study was to identify the predictors of variation of the social participation of independent elderly enrolled in Family Health Strategies units in the municipality of Araras/SP. Besides investigating the dimensions of LIFE-H 3.1- Brazil and its reliability; to characterize the profile of the elderly population; to identify associations between socio-demographic, health conditions, perception of intergenerational solidarity and quality of life and to compare levels of social participation amongst elderly subgroups. A total of 175 elderly, registered in 10 Family Health Strategies of all regions of the city have participated in the present study. All data have been collected through identification form, containing social-demographic variables, from health, familiar intergenerational solidarity aspects, among parents and children, perception of quality of life, besides the following standardized instruments: Geriatric Depression Scale, Katz Scale, Mini Mental State Examination, and LIFE-H 3.1-Brasil which evaluates social participation. Data analysis has been descriptive, comparative, correlational e multivariate performed on SPSS v23.0. The evaluation of predictors of social participation was conducted by Linear Regression Analysis, taking into account the dimension of LIFE-H 3.1 previously extracted from Factor Analysis, namely: Personal Care, Community, Recreation and Communication, apart from global evaluation of social participation which involved these four dimensions (LIFE-H Total). The factorial analysis and the internal consistency of the dimensions of LIFE-H 3.1-Brazil confirm the reliability of data and utilization of such instrument in independent ...
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