Abstract: This Ph.D. investigates the radio over fiber communication systems at mm-wave frequencies higher than 60 GHz. The thesis elaborates on three crucial issues in these systems including:phase noise measurement of unstable optically generated mm-wave signals, elimination ofphase noise impact on performance of radio over fiber systems using non-coherent down conversion technique, and studying the amplitude noise impacts on performance of system based on these detectors. In the first part of this work, a new digital phase noise measurement technique is presented which is able to extract the phase noise of any unstable mm-waveoptically generated signal. This technique is able to measure the phase noise for a widerange of offset frequencies from close-in phase noise to far noise floor by adapting frequency resolution of measurement and without considering small angle approximation. In the second part, we present a radio over fiber system at mm-wave frequency based on non-coherent electrical frequency down conversion stage using an envelope detector which is robust against phase and frequency fluctuations of the optically generated carrier signal. Finally, a the oreticaland experimental study of amplitude noise impact on performance of radio over fiber systemsbased on non-coherent receivers is presented. In this study, a simulation technique based ontheory is developed which is able to determine, among different optical and electrical noise, the one which has the dominant effect on EVM results. This simulation technique is based onobserving the EVM evolution versus received optical power. ; Ces travaux de recherche portent sur les systèmes de communication radio-sur-fibre aux fréquences millimétriques supérieures à 60 GHz. Cette thèse s’articule autour de trois problématiques cruciales pour ces systèmes : la mesure du bruit de phase des signaux millimétriques instables générés par voie optique, la suppression de l’impact du bruit de phase sur les performances des systèmes de communications radio-sur-fibre par ...
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