Abstract: This paper focuses at wetting on Al-based quasicrystals and complex metallic alloys (CMAs), which comprise a significant number of crystalline compounds of changing lattice complexity, according to composition. Such compounds are thermodynamically stable and may be prepared into various sample shapes that allow easy measurement of surface physical properties in air. Surface energy (γ S ) is one of the few fundamental properties of condensed matter: it defines the equilibrium shape of a crystal, it determines the interfacial behaviour of any piece of liquid or solid against another body, etc. The paper summarizes our attempts to determine the surface energy of a large variety of CMAs, including the stable, icosahedral AlCuFe and AlPdMn quasicrystals, all equipped with their native oxide layer when placed in ambient conditions. Experimental evidence is given that the surface energy correlates to the electronic density of states underneath the oxide layer as long as its thickness remains below 10 nm. Correlation to the thickness of the oxide on the one hand and on the other to specific features of the electronic density of states will be emphasized, in line with the varying complexity of the studied CMA compounds. Potential application to low-stick cookware will be addressed with a view at finding alternatives to fluorinated surface layers.
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