Abstract: Since the mid-sixties, Latin American revolutionary experiences generated great enthusiasm among the Swedish progressive youth. With the aim of exposing the political process and the difficult reality of the marginalized sectors, many citizens of the Nordic country traveled to the region to record and transmit the events. Several photographers were among them, both professional and amateur, who meticulously registered everything they experienced during their journeys. Much of their material was utilized, published and disseminated by the Swedish solidarity committees through various channels, such as posters, newsletters and exhibitions, among others. Furthermore, the revolutionary movements provided their own photographs to Scandinavia, which showed scenes of daily life and the difficult social conditions of their respective country. On one hand, this article examines the arrival and the uses of photographs of Central American revolutionary experiences, mainly from Nicaragua and El Salvador, in Sweden. On the other hand, it is an interpretation of the desired social effect sought by the authors and both political and solidarity organizations that were responsible for their dissemination. ; A partir de mediados de la década de los años sesenta, las experiencias revolucionarias latinoamericanas generaron un gran entusiasmo en la juventud progresista sueca. Con el objetivo de difundir los procesos políticos y la difícil realidad de los sectores marginales, numerosos ciudadanos del país nórdico viajaron a la región para recoger y trasmitir la evolución de los acontecimientos. Entre ellos, se encontraron varios fotógrafos, tanto profesionales como aficionados, que registraron minuciosamente todo aquello que les tocó vivir durante sus periplos. Una buena parte del material fue utilizado, publicado y difundido por los comités de solidaridad suecos a través de distintos canales, tales como afiches, boletines y exposiciones, entre otros. Asimismo, los movimientos revolucionarios hicieron llegar sus propias fotografías a ...
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