Abstract: Electronic government is one of the studies in smart governance with the achievement of levels ranging from Emerging, Enhance, Interactive, Transactional, and Connected. The single windows model that has been implemented by local governments such as Tangerang City through Tangerang LIVE is an achievement at the Conneted level, but its implementation requires commitment from both the government and the community as the implementation of e-government policies. Therefore, a study is needed to see the extent of the success of Tangerang LIVE in creating smart government. The purpose of this study is to determine the application of Tangerang LIVE as an integrated service in Tangerang City. The research uses a post-positivism approach using qualitative data collection methods, and the data collection techniques were interviews, observation and documentation. The result of this research is that Tangerang LIVE is a technology-based public service innovation with one handheld service that can be utilised by the public to obtain various services from the Tangerang City Government. However, some of the findings include that not all people have used Tangerang LIVE, this is due to constraints in the ability of the community to use technology. In addition, there are problems with the system and the operator's response to verifying users. The integrated service model in Tangerang LIVE has not fully accommodated all types of services, limited to a few transaction features.Keywords: Smart Governance, single windows, Tangerang LIVE
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