Abstract: The use of a deserted clay quarry to collect iron manufacturing-derived special wastes has been carefully assessed with a view to protecting ground water resources. The shallower ground water is of low quantity and poor quality. It is encompassed by a calcarenite aquifer, the bottom of which consists of clays. A limited calcarenite layer is found below, transgressively lying over the main Apulian carbonate shelf. The aquifer carbonate rocks enclose large ground water resources which ultimately flows into the Ionian Sea. A plastic waterproof diaphragm inert to percolation products has been installed to protect ground water against pollution hazards resulting from the disposal of industrial wastes. The dump is actually located in the vicinity of major industrial plants, the basements of which corresponds to the shallow aquifer. Both the basements and the railway cuttings greatly affect the ground water flow. Hydrogeological applied numerical calculation techniques have been used to evaluate the impact of a drainage trench on the ground water flow together with any noticeable influence of the latter on construction works and industrial plants in place. ; Published ; 253-261 ; 5.5. TTC - Sistema Informativo Territoriale ; JCR Journal ; open
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