Abstract: 9 Hannah woke up to the smells of dinner cooking. Jesse changed Hannah's diaper and then let her play with the toys Joe had brought in from the truck. She decided it had been really nice of him to rent her the cabin and to continue to tramp through the deep snow and bitter air to bring in her belongings. His last trip had brought in the radio. Stations from Nevada and Idaho came in clearer than the local stations and as the music from "California Dreamin'" played across the airwaves, Jesse felt less isolated. Using the outhouse was an experience Jesse could have done without that night, but the sleeping bag seemed luxurious after being out in the cold. Hannah's steady breathing from her deep sleep was comforting to Jesse and Jesse became aware that she didn't hear the usual wheezing. As she looked at her silver house she thought, it's going to be OK. *** Six weeks had gone by since the mid-January move. She carefully watered her seedlings that were lined along the shelf by the window. Planting the seeds and watching them grow had warded off some of the overwhelming depression she had felt over being surrounded by so much snow. S e envisioned the garden they would have that summer, straight stalks of corn, protecting cages of tomato plants from the noonday sun, blue forget-me-nots spacing broccoli and cauliflower plants, sweet peas climbing up the teepee poles with the green beans, rows of radishes, carrots, and onions intermingling with daisies and carnations. The whole garden would be bordered by golden-orange marigolds to keep the rabbits away. She thought of the cold storage cellar she planned to dig into the side of the hill beside the cabin
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