Abstract: Thesis(Ph.D.) -- Istanbul Technical University, Graduate School, 2021 ; The planetary boundaries were exceeded in the Anthropocene, as the scale of the crisis started to be visible. Some societies seem untouched by the crisis due to their material prosperity and wealth, while others experience it with floods, massive drought, and fires threatening their homes and lives. Demographic trends do not reflect a positive picture either; the two largest countries by population are preparing 3 billion middle-class consumers to emerge by 2030. They are ready to consume – as Western civilization has already- tons of mass-produced, cheap commodities half of which will end up in landfills if nothing more sustainable is offered. Scientists search for ways that are an alternative to ill-planned production and consumption models. In the last three decades, the insufficiency of ameliorating only the production methods was understood. Efforts to develop alternative paths for our mainstream consumption system gained impetus in society. With that motivation and drive of technological substructure developments, alternative production and consumption methods emerged rapidly. The ancient term, sharing, became the term for the fastest growing economy in the last 20 years. Use-sharing systems became a substantial and engaging part of that massive economy. Millions of people stayed at each other's homes, drove to work together with people they have never met before, or utilized the cars that were parked in their street without owning them. Thousands went the weekend camping with the tents and tools they rented from their neighbour or the local sharing hub; they experienced the joy of creating their DIY projects with the tools they rented and with the help of their skilled neighbour. In Turkey however, the majority still do not utilize these systems because in some countries, they are still under-developed, and the number of successful examples is very limited. Researchers from several domains investigate the factors of success and ...
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