Abstract: The purpose of the article is to show the consistency of revitalisation strategies (determined by revitalisation programs) with the existing crisis situations in municipalities (diagnosed in the programs), which will be served by, first, defining the crisis situations, and second, identifying recovery strategies in different types of municipalities (rural and urban-rural). The research method used was content analysis and comparative analysis. It was assumed that the characteristics of the municipality determine the way in which the municipal government operates, and thus contributes to the selection of a specific strategy according to which revitalisation is carried out. The analysis was made of municipalities selected intentionally – they differ in terms of their employment structure and the type of social structure that goes with it, defined by a specific arrangement of socio-professional groups. 15 revitalisation programs were analyzed – already this small number of studied cases allowed to indicate some regularities in the choice of revitalisation path. On the basis of the analysis, a disturbingly large number of similarities were noted in terms of the analyzed elements of revitalisation programs. It turned out that the nature of the entity does not determine the choice of the path for conducting the revitalisation process. The documents included unified diagnoses and revitalisation projects. In addition, a number of weaknesses were identified in the construction of the documents, which can negatively affect the effectiveness of their implementation. ; Celem artykułu jest wykazanie spójności strategii rewitalizacji (wyznaczonych programami rewitalizacji) z istniejącymi sytuacjami kryzysowymi w gminach (zdiagnozowanymi w programach), czemu służyć będzie, po pierwsze, zdefiniowanie sytuacji kryzysowych, a po drugie, identyfikacja strategii naprawczych w różnych typach gmin (wiejskich i miejsko-wiejskich). Zastosowaną metodą badawczą była analiza treści i analiza porównawcza. Założono, że charakterystyka gminy ...
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