A group of men with weapons standing in a line on a street in Mexico. ; Recto: [handwritten] No. 9. [inscribed on negative] Fuerzas Rurales en El Zocalo, Mexico, Feb. 18, 1913. H.J. Gutierrez. Foto.
File Description:
1 photographic print (postcard): gelatin silver; 9 x 14 cm; Real photographic postcards; Gelatin silver prints; Photographs; Photographic prints; Archival scan: 7070 w x 4621 h pixels, 48-bit RGB
Elmer and Diane Powell collection on Mexico and the Mexican Revolution; Series 1: Photographs and Postcards; Displayed as .jp2; uploaded as .jpg; Digitization process: Scanned using an Epson V750 as 1200 ppi, 48-bit, RGB, .tif; derivative sharpened and resampled to 3000 pixels on the long edge, 24-bit .jpg; Series 1, Box 05; ag2014_0005_01_005_02_gutierrez_010_fuerzas_r.tif; ag2014_0005_01_005_02_gutierrez_010_fuerzas_v.tif; Ag2014.0005; ag2014_0005_01_005_02_gutierrez_010_fuerzas_r_opt.jpg; http://digitalcollections.smu.edu/u?/pwl,202
Online Access:
Please cite DeGolyer Library, Southern Methodist University as the source of this file. A high-resolution version of this file may be obtained for a fee. For details, see the https://www.smu.edu/libraries/degolyer/using/images web page. For more information, contact degolyer@smu.edu.
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