Abstract: This article aims to discuss the process of producing a new social space along the Krueng Aceh Peunayong river and Taman Sari in Banda Aceh. This article uses Lafebvre's social space production perspective with qualitative research methods. Informants are determined through the purposive sampling technique, and data collected through structured interviews. This study found that social space production in green urban space planning in Banda Aceh City follows three dialectical processes as assumed by Lefebvre's theory of social space production. First, middle to lower-class people experiences social eviction. New green urban spaces such as those on the Peunayong and Taman Sari rivers banks do not represent themselves as living spaces for all social levels. Second, policymakers have a dominant role in conceptualizing and representing new green urban spaces. Third, the image is constructed and perceived from views (visuals) and symbols (perceptual space). For the upper class, green urban spaces in Banda Aceh are a symbol of modernity and progress. For the lower class society, green open space is a representation of planned marginalization.AbstrakTulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui proses produksi ruang sosial baru yaitu ruang terbuka hijau di bantaran sungai Krueng Aceh Peunayong dan Taman Sari di Kota Banda Aceh. Tulisan ini menggunakan frame teori produksi ruang sosial Henry Lafebvre. Penelitian ini mengikuti kerangka penelitian kualitatif. Informan ditentukan melalui teknik purposive sampling. Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara terstruktur. Penelitian ini mendapati bahwa, produksi ruang sosial dalam perencanaan ruang terbuka hijau di Kota Banda Aceh mengikuti tiga proses dialektika, sebagaimana diasumsikan oleh teori produksi ruang sosial Lefebvre. Pertama, masyarakat kelas menengah ke bawah mengalami penggusuran secara social (pembongkaran urban). Ruang terbuka hijau baru seperti di bantaran sungai Peunayong dan Taman sari tidak merepresentasikan diri sebagai ruang yang hidup bagi semua lapisan masyarakat. ...
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