Abstract: /V II. MEDICAL ALLOWANCES. bo you .find the nXim&tr of Bgypt fend the nature of ymr vork holder (Jf3 ;'0 . f • . • -• ; • t - Hovvj *>- iio’v much have you spent on xaay of the following ile&© during any specified year,{name the period in each easei 2 a. Normal annua.1 modleal eapeaso for yoar • • • «( do not count special 0? extr«/ordinary expense for Severe cs??«s of illness, or operation©, accident© or hospital bilie): X. hooters1 Bills **,.*.,.* * . 2* medicine# b* Sxtrmo expenseIl*e. for severe sickness,accidents, births, or operations, 1 *3;ootore* bill© •»••#•«»»•»»»••.•«• £*Lisuioinoe ••*•«.*• 3.Hospitala(including ops ret ini* or delivery rooa fees and excess of hospital board bill ovsr ordinary living* expense* Boise the hospital,} 3» bo you take ordinary preventive m©©sures agsinet illness, such regular exercise, adequate (si least 7 or 8 hours) sleep, and consistent &iet$ *8 v/ell as regular vaccinations and inosculations of preventive serums ? . « « 4, -ro you a Subscriber to the >t»glo-/rnerie&n Hospital, which entitles you to 1/2 the ordinary hospital rates? 5. Do you carry any health insurance? In what company? 6* bo you believe that the University should make some provision for mod* io? 1 allowance? £>tat© reasons fox your answer* ?♦ If you believe that the university should asks a medical allowance,state your constructive sehfM that will do this equijly for ell concerned, both staff and University* b* bo you think that short tori^ members should share in this scheme? K. ^-/t£ »<€ C 9. nine# th© matter oy yei'peiwl iaocaa and expenditure $ay have a direct bearing on the granting of any additions! allowances, will you make a statement of your expenses for any year you may specify, according to some such outline as follows: (v* attached short) l { HOliSSs xlease answer the above questions as you tmy see fit and send the cues/. ioj&ire ^na >oi*m©rs direct to _K*~*bU- ,1120 no . itle ...
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