Contributors: 李, 愷; 司, 悠真; 栗生, 美怜; 前田, 佳穂; 妻鳥, 皓光; 馬場, 俊平; 西村, 理沙; 村上, 晃; 小野寺, 興孝; 森本, 高子; 上村, 匡; 碓井, 理夫
Abstract: 痛みを抑制するタンパク質を発見! --痛覚多様性からのアプローチ--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2023-06-14. ; Appropriate modulation of escape behaviors in response to potentially damaging stimuli is essential for survival. Although nociceptive circuitry has been studied, it is poorly understood how genetic contexts affect relevant escape responses. Using an unbiased genome-wide association analysis, we identified an Ly6/α-neurotoxin family protein, Belly roll (Bero), which negatively regulates Drosophila nociceptive escape behavior. We show that Bero is expressed in abdominal leucokinin-producing neurons (ABLK neurons) and bero knockdown in ABLK neurons resulted in enhanced escape behavior. Furthermore, we demonstrated that ABLK neurons responded to activation of nociceptors and initiated the behavior. Notably, bero knockdown reduced persistent neuronal activity and increased evoked nociceptive responses in ABLK neurons. Our findings reveal that Bero modulates an escape response by regulating distinct neuronal activities in ABLK neurons.
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