Abstract: The article analyzes pedagogical heritage of the prominent national pedagogue, psychologist, educator of the second half of ХІХ–the beginning of ХХ century P.F.Kapterev concerning the problem of moral education. His understanding of the essence of moral education as a system of ideas, norms and rules, regulating people’s behavior and interfusing all spheres of life of a person is outlined; P.F.Kapterev’s views on the peculiarities of social and moral education, personality’s development of consciousness and behavior, necessity of moral tempering of a child, forming his firm character as the priority are determined; the main factor of true moral education of a child, the foundation of primary moral bringing up, that is absence of bad examples of behavior and presence of good ones in a child’s environment is emphasized. The ways and methods offered by the prominent teacher and psychologist in relation to forming a young child’s moral ideas, moral beliefs, moral consciousness, moral feelings, moral habits are characterized. In particular, the place and the role of a family in forming moral habits of a child is uncovered, some of P.F. Kapterev’s advice concerning the process of studying the personality of educateе in the terms of a family, finding out his or her valuable qualities, negative hereditary, establishing correct system of actions, determining those qualities that a person should be eager to achieve are worked out in details. The situations, in which, according to P.F.Kapterev’s beliefs, the personality of a child can develop, so parents must constantly monitor them (situations), are stipulated. They are: different body’s movements in general and cries and facial gesturing in particular as the simplest reaction to the received experience; the games of children and their relations with peers where some peculiarities of a child’s nature can be traced; different educational exercises. Key words: moral education, moral habit, moral beliefs, formation of a moral personality. ; У статті проаналізовано ...
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