Abstract: One indicator of public health degree is the Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) and the Infant Mortality Rate (IMR). Safe labour does not guarantee will be without any pain, aches and feelings of anxiety. Therefore, more pregnant women prefer the SC method to the normal labour method due to the fear of pain experienced during delivery. Reducing anxiety and pain during delivery can be done through pharmacological and non-pharmacological methods. One of the non-pharmacological methods is the use of a gym ball. The purpose of this study was to identify the effect of gym balls on reducing labour pain and anxiety in phase I labour women at Bumi Sehat Foundation in Gianyar Regency. This study employed an accidental sampling method and recruited 32 respondents through a non-probability sampling technique according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Findings indicated that the gym ball is proven effective during the first stage of labour to reduce the intensity of pain and anxiety with a p-value of 0.000 (0.001) <0.05. Gymball effectively reduces mothers' pain intensity and anxiety levels in the first stage of labour. Therefore, health workers as service providers are expected to disseminate information about using gym balls as non-pharmacological methods to reduce pain and anxiety during labour. Keywords: Gymball, Pain, Anxiety, Maternity ABSTRAK Salah satu indikator derajat kesehatan masyarakat yaitu Angka Kematian Ibu (AKI) dan Angka Kematian Bayi (AKB). Berlangsungnya persalinan yang aman bukan berarti persalinan tidak disertai dengan rasa nyeri, sakit dan perasaan rasa cemas. Oleh karena itu, lebih banyak ibu memilih melahirkan dengan metode SC dibandingkan melahirkan secara normal karena takut akan membayangkan rasa sakit, dan nyeri yang akan dialami selama proses melahirkan normal. Penanganan yang bisa dilakukan untuk mengurangi rasa kecemasan dan nyeri saat persalinan dapat dilakukan dengan metode farmakologi, maupun non-farmakologi. Adapun metode non-farmakologi salah satunya penggunaan gymball. ...
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