Abstract: In the juridical Colombian system in general and in the juridical environmental system especially, there exist a set of constitutional and legal principles that orientate the application and interpretation of the procedure. It is for it that there gives priority the beginning of precaution, of prevention, of protection, of prevalency of the general interest on the individual, to civil participation and in general those contents in the constitution and in the law 99 of 1993. In the study of the cases of the environmental conflicts of the forest protective and Broken Reservation (Reserve) of White Rio Olive groves placed the nororiente of Manizales and of the Transfer of the river Guarinó to the river the Honey, located in the nororiente of the department of Caldas, is analyzed by us how it is the interpretation and application of the environmental law on the part of the environmental authority and since(as,like) on having taken the decisions there did not bear in mind the constitutional and legal principles and they do not interpret the norm as a member of the juridical environmental system. In these environmental conflicts we find that the civil exercise of participation and intervention for the j uridical route by means of the interposition of a Popular Action and intervention in the administrative process of step of environmental licenses, has turned into a space of environmental education, of defense of the public thing and of social civil control. ; En el sistema jurídico colombiano en general y en el sistema jurídico ambiental en particular, existe un conjunto de principios constitucionales y legales que orientan la aplicación e interpretación de las normas. Es por ello que priman los principios de precaución, de prevención, de protección, de prevalencia del interés general sobre el particular, participación ciudadana y en general aquellos contenidos en la Constitución y en la ley 99 de 1993. En el estudio de los casos de los conflictos ambientales de la Reserva forestal protectora de Río Blanco y Quebrada ...
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