Abstract: Given the current situation with regards to the publication of the Development Orders to Improve University Teaching approved by Royal Decree 822/2021, which might affect degree mentions in Spain, this research focuses on a study of the form of the curriculum for the Mention in Music Education. To do so, we have selected public and private centres (n = 48) that are affiliated to the Conference of Deans of Education. We examined the offer of this specialisation on the degrees in Early Childhood Education and Primary Education, the distribution of subjects, and access requirements. In addition, the content of the subjects was classified. and the presence of specific placements and final degree projects was considered. The results show a reduction in credits and training capacity compared to the previous specialism. In addition, the more restricted offer of this mention in Early Childhood Education than in Primary Education is shown. The Kruskal–Wallis non-parametric test did not find any statistically significant differences in the availability of these courses in different autonomous communities. In the case of modules offered, it is apparent that both stages share the same musical categories (vocal, instrumental, auditory, musical language and rhythm, movement and dance, among others) but that the teaching load differs. Likewise, it was also found that few centres offer specific practicals and final degree projects for the mentions. For all these reasons, taking into account all of the foregoing is recommended in the event of any modification that could increase the number of credits with the publication of the afore mentioned orders. ; Debido a la situación en la que nos encontramos en referencia a la publicación de las órdenes de desarrollo para mejorar las enseñanzas universitarias aprobadas en el Real Decreto 822/2021 y que puedan afectar a las menciones en España, la presente investigación se centra en exponer un estudio sobre la concreción curricular de la Mención en Educación Musical en nuestro ...
Relation: vol. 82, nº 288; Morales, A., Martínez-Rodríguez, M., Pérez-Eizaguirre, M., y Montaraz I. (2024). La Mención en Educación Musical en los grados de Maestro/a en España: presencia y enfoque [The Mention in Music Education in primary and early-childhood education degrees in Spain: Presence and approach]. Revista Española de Pedagogía, 82 (288), 417-445. https://doi.org/10.22550/2174-0909.4051; https://reunir.unir.net/handle/123456789/16827; https://doi.org/10.22550/2174-0909.4051
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