Abstract: This research is focused to analyze the impact of virtual English language education, using the Zoom platform in students of seventh semester at Pedagogía de los Idiomas Nacionales y Extranjeros Career at Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo, in Riobamba City, Chimborazo Province, during the Academic Period November 2021 – April 2022. The research design was type mixed, the modality was non-experimental, transactional and field research, and the level was descriptive. The population were students and teachers belonging at seventh semester determined by a census sample, the technique used was the observation and the questionnaire like instruments. Among the most important results was that the English language learning environment using Zoom and attitude towards online learning showed positive indicators, however methodology and didactics in the English language learning by Zoom was regular. The perception of students it was shown that all the indicators were positive. However, the methodology and didactics did not obtain a good rating on the Zoom platform. The impact of the use of the Zoom platform in the teaching-learning process raises, it was shown that the impact is positive according to the teachers, showing favorable indicators in most indicators. ; Esta investigación se planteó como objetivo analizar el impacto de la educación virtual en inglés, mediante la plataforma Zoom en estudiantes de séptimo semestre en pedagogía de los Idiomas Nacionales y Extranjeros de la Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo, en la ciudad de Riobamba, provincia de Chimborazo, durante el Período Académico Noviembre 2021 – Abril 2022. El diseño de la investigación fue de tipo mixto, con modalidad no experimental, transaccional y de campo, y de nivel descriptivo. La población estuvo conformada por estudiantes y docentes pertenecientes al séptimo semestre determinados por una muestra censal. La técnica utilizada fue la observación, y se empleó un cuestionario como instrumento. Entre los resultados más importantes se encuentra que el ...
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