Abstract: ENGLISH: The title of this thesis research is Women's Struggle Against Violence in Alice Walker’s The Color Purple This study has two research questions; 1. What kind of violence did Celie experience in Alice Walker’s The color purple? 2. How did they fight against violence in Alice Walker’s The color purple? With this research questions, researcher will reveal and describe Alice Walker's facts as a writer, does not explain in more detail in his novel such as the roots of violence and types of struggle. This study aims to reveal the types of violence, the roots of violence, and how women struggle against violence their femininity in society to eliminate the culture of violence against women. To avoid obscurity and topic expansion, researcher limitan explanation just for Celie. Celie is a female character who had her own struggles when she was bullied by her father and husband. This research method using literary criticism, and researchers analyzed it with Johan Galtung violence perspectives and feminist theory. Researchers use the theory of violence to answer every violence experienced by Celie with feminist theory (radical feminism) to answer how to fight violence with a women's perspective. As a result, celie experienced two types of violence, direct violence and indirect violence. Direct violence is divided into physical violence (depriving and throwing) and psychological violence (insulting, threatening, raping). Furthermore The types of violence is indirect violence, such as structural (abuse of power). Happened to Celie since she was young in her house and that (patriarchal) cultural violence that happened to Celie in her household and was considered a weak creature. Celie's struggle is the second finding study. She fights against violence with femininity. Celie decides to leave her home and be free from her abusive husband. Celie's struggles reflect an act of radical feminism because they prove that women are can defend against violence caused by patriarchy. INDONESIA: Judul penelitian tesis ini adalah ...
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