Abstract: PURPOSE: We investigated the small-molecule receptor tyrosine kinase-inhibitor of colony-stimulating factor-1 receptor pexidartinib in the stage II/III breast cancer in the I-SPY2 platform trial. METHODS: I-SPY2 is an adaptive platform trial that features multiple arms of experimental agents administered on a background of standard neoadjuvant therapy with paclitaxel and adriamycin/cyclophosphamide, followed by definitive surgery. The adaptive randomization engine preferentially assigns patients based upon cumulative performance of each agent in a given breast cancer subtype based on hormone receptor and HER2 receptor status. The study endpoint is pathologic complete response. RESULTS: A total of 9 participants were randomized to receive pexidartinib with neoadjuvant paclitaxel before enrollment was halted due to a serious adverse event of vanishing bile duct syndrome. No participants received a full course of the study drug. CONCLUSION: Although there remains interest in agents targeting CSF-1, hepatic toxicity appears to be a limiting factor for their use in early breast cancer. TRIAL REGISTRATION: NCT01042379 ( www. CLINICALTRIALS: gov/ct2/show/NCT01042379 ).
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