Contributors: Ambore, Gangu Ms (speaker); Bel, Bernard Mr (recorder); Poitevin, Guy Mr (annotator); Darekar, Gajarabai Ms (transcriber); Khaladka, Rajani Ms (transcriber); Maid, Jitendra Mr (transcriber); Ogale, Asha Ms (translator); Poitevin, Guy Mr (translator); Rairkar, Hema Ms (translator); Poitevin, Guy (author); Rairkar, Hema (author); Bhore, Lata Ms (data_inputter); Maid, Jitendra Mr (interviewer); Nanekar, Bhimsen Mr (interviewer); Bel, Andréine Ms (photographer); Bel, Bernard Mr (photographer); Taludkar, Malavika Ms (photographer); Shinde, Datta Mr (research_participant); Ambore, Gangu Ms (singer); Fondation Charles-Léopold Mayer pour le Progrès de l'Homme (sponsor); International Fund for the Promotion of Culture (UNESCO) (sponsor); Bel, Bernard Mr (depositor); Centre for Cooperative Research in Social Sciences (CCRSS, Pune IN) (publisher)
Abstract: An interview with Gangu Ambore, a leper woman in Tadkalas, Parbhani district, Maharashtra (India), recorded on February 5, 1997. Gangubai expresses her intimate thoughts with the support of “grindmill“ and devotional songs borrowed from a popular bhakti tradition. Field recordings of the Centre for Cooperative Research in Social Sciences (CCRSS) : UVS-31, UVS-32 ; Una entrevista con Gangu Ambore, una mujer de leprosos en Tadkalas, distrito de Parbhani, Maharashtra (India), registrada el 5 de febrero de 1997. Gangubai expresa sus pensamientos íntimos, con el apoyo de las canciones “grindmill“ y devocional prestado a una tradición bhakti populares. Field recordings of the Centre for Cooperative Research in Social Sciences (CCRSS) : UVS-31, UVS-32 ; Entretiens avec Gangu Ambore, une chanteuse lépreuse de Tadakalas, district de Parbhani au Maharashtra (Inde) le 5 février 1997. Gangubai exprime son affect par l'intermédiaire de “chants de la mouture“ et de poèmes dévotionnels empruntés à une forme populaire de bhakti. Field recordings of the Centre for Cooperative Research in Social Sciences (CCRSS) : UVS-31, UVS-32 ; गंगुबाई अंबोरे या ताडकळस, जिल्हा परभणी, महाराष्ट्र, भारत, इथे रहाणार्या महारोगी बाईंची मुलाखत १९९६-९७ ला ध्वनीमुद्रित केली. त्या आपल्या मनातले अगदी जवळचे विचार जात्या वरील गणी व भक्तिपरंपरेतील अभंग, गौळणींच्या आधारावर अभिव्यक्त करतात. ; POITEVIN, G. Le champ du dire et le soi de la parole. In (G. Poitevin) Sortir de la sujétion - Essais sur la désubordination des parias de l\'Inde, femmes et intouchables. Paris : L\'Harmattan, 2001, p. 201-258. ; ; POITEVIN, G.; RAIRKAR, H. Bhakti, a Faith for Rehabilitation. In (B. Bel, J. Brouwer, B. Das, V. Parthasarathi, G. Poitevin, eds.) Communication Processes, 2: The Social and the Symbolic. New Delhi: Sage, 2008, p.170-215. ;
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