Abstract: This research aims to provide an overview of the Center for Excellence in Higher Education Science and Technology (PUI-PT) in Indonesia, one of which is the Technical Vocational Education and Training Research Center (TVET-RC) belonging to the Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI). In this research, UPI became the locus and focus of the research center of excellence in the form of TVET-RC, as part of PUI-PT in Indonesia. The results showed that TVET-RC UPI as the leading part of PUI-PT in Indonesia was closely related to the findings in the form of four things: (1) Vocational Teacher Professional Education; (2) Redesign of the vocational expertise spectrum; (3) Mixed learning preparation guide; (4) HR capacity and governance of TVET-RC. The four findings are at the same time the development of TVET-RC at UPI which is able to contribute to the improvement of good and productive human resources.
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