Abstract: People with intellectual disability have poorer oral health outcomes and experience greater difficulties accessing dental services than the rest of the community. Interdisciplinary educational programs for those involved in oral health decision making for people with intellectual disability aim to improve their oral health. This scoping review explored education/training interventions related to the oral health of adults with intellectual disability. Interventions targeted dental health and non-dental health professionals, adults with intellectual disability, and their paid and unpaid supporters. Six electronic databases were searched using PRISMA guidelines and the Crowes critical appraisal tool. The search strategy, plus the application of the inclusion and exclusion criteria, presented in the body of the manuscript, led to the selection of 20 papers for inclusion into this review. The quality of undergraduate tuition relating to disability was reported to be poor, but students and dental health professionals expressed interest in expanding their knowledge in this area. Disability-support workers and primary carers of people with intellectual disability reported improved knowledge and attitude, but the oral health status of the people they supported was not impacted. No research was found that explored the perspectives of non-dental health professionals. Oral health training/education contributes to systemic barriers in general health, wellbeing, and social inclusion of people with intellectual disability. Revision of disability-related programs in general dentistry courses and longitudinal impact research is needed.
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