Abstract: This study aims to Analysis of the effect of Entrepreneurship Education, Family Environment, and Entrepreneurship Commitment on Entrepreneurial Intentions in the context of student at Jambi-Indonesia University. This study adopted inferential research design. This is a cross-sectional study because data is collected at one time point. This empirical study was conducted on a sample of Accounting Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Jambi Indonesia who were willing to collaborate to participate voluntarily by filling in the on-line questionnaire. These student participants were chosen because they have been heavily involved in entrepreneurial activities. In this study, 369 students were willing and returned a complete questionnaire. Entrepreneurship Education has a positive and significant influence on Entrepreneurship Commitment and Entrepreneurial Intentions, Family Environment has a positive and significant influence on Entrepreneurship Commitment and Entrepreneurial Intentions. Entrepreneurship Commitment have a positive and significant effect on Entrepreneurial Intentions.This research is focused on analyzing the influence of Entrepreneurship Education and Family Environment to predict Entrepreneurial Intentions, but does not pay attention to entrepreneurial behavior, especially how they start a new business. Thus, further research is expected to explain the subject of entrepreneurial behavior.The results of this study provide a conceptual framework for evaluating comprehensively for Entrepreneurship Education providers especially in establishing learning outcomes, study materials, learning methods, learning environments, and forming networks with corporate communities in providing authentic experiences to students.This study attempts to use a combination of two factors, namely external and internal factors to explain entrepreneurial intention.
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