Abstract: The article deals with the formation of personal and social controls in the crisis period of transition from childhood to adulthood. We describe the essence of the transitional period in adolescence and in young adulthood, when normative social situation of development is completed and starts the space defined by the individual situation of development. We reveal the specificity of personal regulation, emphasize the importance of developing mechanisms for self-regulation and its highest level, self-determination. As personal regulators, we discuss freedom, responsibility, meaningfulness of own live. We provide the results of the study of personal development trajectories by E.R. Kaliteevskaya and D.A. Leontiev, describe the personality approach of J. Loevinger. Social controls are revealed through the concept of social identity, its structure. We describe the main approaches to the understanding of social identity in Russian and foreign psychology. In conclusion, we propose a possible solution to the problem of optimal formation of personal and social controls in the period of transition from childhood to adulthood
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