Abstract: The physiological state of an insect can affect its olfactory system. However, the molecular mechanism underlying the effect of nutrition-dependent states on odour-guided behaviours in hoverflies remains unclear. In this study, comparative transcriptome analysis of the antenna and proboscis from Eupeodes corollae under different feeding states was conducted. Compared with the previously published antennal transcriptome, a total of 32 novel chemosensory genes were identified, including 4 ionotropic receptors, 17 gustatory receptors, 9 odorant binding proteins and 2 chemosensory proteins. Analysis of differences in gene expression between different feeding states in male and female antennae and proboscises revealed that the expression levels of chemosensory genes were impacted by feeding state. For instance, the expression levels of EcorOBP19 in female antennae, EcorOBP6 in female proboscis, EcorOR6 , EcorOR14 , EcorIR5 and EcorIR84a in male antennae were significantly upregulated after feeding. On the other hand, the expression levels of EcorCSP7 in male proboscis and EcorOR40 in male antennae were significantly downregulated. These findings suggest that nutritional state plays a role in the adaptation of hoverflies' olfactory system to food availability. Overall, our study provides important insights into the plasticity and adaptation of chemosensory systems in hoverflies.
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